Nirguna's Connection to Rural Livelihoods

Nirguna's Connection to Rural Livelihoods

May 2nd, 2022

The wage gap between the Poor and the Rich is ever-increasing. The rich keep getting richer, and the poor poorer. But this is not even the main issue here. The main issue is the loss of culture, traditions, centuries of craft due to Capitalism. Capitalism has made us all slaves to money and yet the ones working the hardest have no money to even afford a meal twice a day.  

What do we do about this gap?    

The first step to bridging this gap is awareness.

This is the exact thing Nirguna aims to do.  

~ Strive to establish enough awareness to sustain Rural Livelihoods.  

~Making sure that our rural artisans get paid enough and fairly.  

~Promoting rural crafts and traditions that are the heart and soul of India.  

~Creating respect in the hearts of Urban Indians for our old traditions and customs.  

~Building a brand that sells sustainable fashion to do our part in helping the Earth.  

What does Nirguna Trust do?  

Nirguna Trust is a not-for-profit organisation that works for the welfare of weavers and handicraft artisans across numerous clusters of India.  

Nirguna Trust has helped weaver communities across India in sustaining their craft by providing financial as well as technological support

Dhalapathara's Revival due to Nirguna Trust

Due to the efforts of Nirguna Trust, we have been able to revive the forgotten Dhalapathara Weave!  

Read the Revival Story here!  

Dhalapathara Revival

Shop the Revival Weave: Dhalapathara here!  

Dhalapathara Sarees:Nirguna

  Nirguna founder Leesa Mohanty’s connection with Rural Lives  

Being an artist all her life, Leesa knows the value of art and culture. A life-changing accident made her switch paths and work tirelessly for the upliftment of rural artisans everywhere right from Odissa to Gujarat to the Southern States.  

She calls herself the “Rural Manager” which is an ode to rural life.  

Nirguna is unlike any other brand. In this capitalistic world, businesses are all for profit. Humans are exploited in order to keep the profit margin huge. Is this how we want humanity to be? Nirguna takes a stand against this. We believe in fair treatment and pay both for hard as well as soft skills. This is the only thing that can keep the spirits of the people alive.  

What happens when you buy a Handloom Product?  

When you buy a Handloom Product, you not only support us, but you support centuries worth of history and tradition.  

Every Nirguna Customer can proudly say “I help in sustaining India’s traditional crafts!”  

Every handloom piece you buy is an investment piece. Unlike cheap, factory-made products that wear out within one year of purchase, handloom products are known to last for as long as 10 years with proper care.  

And after those ten years, the handloom item you own becomes an antique and vintage item.  


All products on Nirguna’s website are unqiue and one of a kind. So, this makes the chances of replication slim to none. Which means that you are the sole person who possesses the handloom.  

You can pass it down to your next generation, which can increase the value of the handloom tenfold.  

Shop exclusive pieces only at www.nirguna.in

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